Saturday, July 26, 2008

Final Year Project


Now I had started a new semester. Like always life is tough full of 'cabaran'. Therefore we need to always remember Allah. I was given a project entitled "Cloning and expression of gene coding for CGtase in Lactococcus lactis". It was a difficult task for me since I have no strong basic in molecular biology. Anyway I will try my best to fulfil my supervisor's dream, hahaha. I shouldn't 'banyak merungut' since my friends told me that I always 'merungut' and annoyed them a lot. So I had to changed myself. I hope Allah shall grant me with the 'taufik & hidayah' so I could become a good mukmin -amin-.

This world is just temporary and just a pilgrim (dunia ibarat seorang perantau). So, the afterlife is permanent. So I want to advice myself and all my muslim brothers and sisters, lets do a lot of 'amal & ibadah' may Allah guide us to the straightful and truthful path.

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